Wednesday, 11 January 2017

D3- Perfect Tool for Data Visualization???

Now, D3 is said to be the perfect tool for data visualization as it provided the best flexibility. The reason for the flexibility is that it works very smoothly with all the available web technologies. In addition to it, the manipulation of DOM(Document Object Model) is done in very linear way. It is also flexible with the main client side web technologies like HTML, CSS, SVG.

D3 is considered to be the best and the perfect tool for the data visualization because D3 will work according to the user’s requirements and is not limited to the web pages like Processing.js, Paper.js Raphael.js or any other tool which are related to small regions.

Get Free E-Book - React with Flux

React.js or ReactJS is an open-source Javascript library which is providing the view for all the datas which rendered for an HTML file. ReactJS is usually maintained by the Facebook, Instagram and community gathered for individual developers of the big organization.
Flux is nothing but an architecture for the ReactJS Application showing the flow of the data for the application.


  • ReactJS is introduced with the advanced feature called JSX. this is a file which is completely the same as the HTML but this file is equipped with JS File.
  • Component is the leading part of the application which handles the overall functionality of the application
  • ReactJs strictly follows the Unidirectional Data Flow

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Grab this free eBook - Spring Transaction

Spring – Transaction module is particularly useful for both Web Applications or Core applications, which has to manage with Transactions. With the Spring – Transaction module we don’t have to manage Transactions and write code regarding rolling back of Transactions, transactions are or can be automatically managed by Spring Transaction Container. Spring Transaction’s capabilities are in par with EJB’s Transaction management features.

1. Work with Local and Global
2. Work with Save Points
3. Work with Nested Transactions

Free Download Now

Monday, 2 January 2017

Technology Disruption in Media & Entertainment

Obviously, the root cause for this is the prodigious take on of digital platforms, which are easy to reach among the audience, even on their mobile device. Secondly, some off the media companies has proven themselves as the most avant-garde & tech savvy media companies with their early adoption of media & entertainment industry technology disruption. They kept themselves in pace with the audiences’ behavioural attitude and altering choice of platform.
Media Industry is getting reliant to digital media platforms, of course because they have their audience there only. Netflix and Amazon are fetching those ultimate benefits of embracing digital transformation of media industry.