Friday 6 July 2018

Android Mobile Development | Android development Expertise I Mobile Development | Mobile Development Expertise.

Attune World Wide is a one-stop Technology and IT Infrastructure Solutions provider. We support our clients with the complete Open-source Technology Consultation, Integration, Development, Training and Migration services. 

Building and Deployment of iPhone, iPad, iOS, & iPod or all other Apple-products on Large Scale Platforms
  • Games & Learning app Development
  • Application Upgrade & Development
  • Rich User Interface Designing
  • Cross Platform Mobile Development

Android Programming is completely built on C, C++, Python or Java programming languages & XML.
  • Applications & Framework
  • Linux Kernel & Libraries
  • Active Android Emulator
  • Android Runtime

Ionic Framework deals with HTML5 framework meant to build the cross platform native application supported by the native wrapper.
  • CSS Component
  • Cordova Plugins
  • Ionic CLI and View
  • JavaScript & Angular JS

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